TS4: NoSQL on ACID - Using Postgres for Unstructured Workloads |
Bruce Momjian, EnterpriseDB
Vibhor Kumar, EnterpriseDB
Technical - Introductory
SQL Gene in NoSQL: How the New SQL Extensions are Making Flexible Data Models Query-able |
Cihan Biyikoglu, Couchbase
Technical - Advanced
On the path to Nirvana: Supporting OLTP and OLAP on Hadoop |
Monte Zweben, Splice Machine
Technical - Intermediate
NoSQL Transactions on an ACID Trip |
Randal Hoff, FairCom
The Future of DB: Single Polymorphic Databases for Structured and Unstructured Data |
Norman T Kutemperor, Scientel Corp
Technical - Introductory
No+SQL: Using NoSQL To Drive Performance While Having SQL For Integration |
Randal Hoff, FairCom
Technical - Intermediate
SQL-On-Hadoop: Pros and Cons |
Tassos Sarbanes, Credit Suisse
Case Study
AM2: Evaluating NoSQL and SQL Databases - Part 1 |
Mike Bowers, LDS Church
Technical - Introductory
PM3: Apache Drill Bootcamp |
Tomer Shiran, Dremio
Jacques Nadeau, Apache Software Foundation
Technical - Intermediate