TS1: Demystifying NoSQL and New Database Technologies |
Vladimir Bacvanski, SciSpike
Technical - Introductory
NoSQL Architecture and Design
Polyglot Data Environments
TS2: Distributed Systems in One Lesson |
Tim Berglund, DataStax
Technical - Intermediate
NoSQL Architecture and Design
TS4: NoSQL on ACID - Using Postgres for Unstructured Workloads |
Bruce Momjian, EnterpriseDB
Vibhor Kumar, EnterpriseDB
Technical - Introductory
NoSQL Development
SQL Integration with NoSQL
TS5: Apache HBase: Overview, Hands-On and Use Cases |
Apekshit Sharma, Cloudera Inc.
Dima Spivak, Cloudera Inc.
Technical - Introductory
NoSQL Architecture and Design
TS6: Semantics and NoSQL: How (and Why) to Do Semantics in a NoSQL Document Store / Database |
Stephen Buxton, MarkLogic
Charles Greer, MarkLogic
Technical - Intermediate
Enterprise NoSQL
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Graph All The Things! An Introduction to Graph Databases |
Andreas Kollegger, Neo Technology
Graph Databases
Neo4j GraphDay
Neo4j Makes Graphs Easy |
Nicole White, Neo Technology
Technical - Introductory
Graph Databases
Neo4j GraphDay
Graphs in the Real World |
Ryan Boyd, Neo Technology
Technical - Introductory
Graph Databases
Neo4j GraphDay
Data Structures and Algorithms for Big Databases |
Bradley C Kuszmaul, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Michael A Bender, Stony Brook University
Technical - Intermediate
Big Data
NoSQL Scale and Performance
SQL Gene in NoSQL: How the New SQL Extensions are Making Flexible Data Models Query-able |
Cihan Biyikoglu, Couchbase
Technical - Advanced
NoSQL Development
Query and Search
SQL Integration with NoSQL
Native XML Databases: Death or Coming of Age? |
David Barrett, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
Case Study
Document Databases
Taming Big Data Variety with Semantic Graph Databases |
Technical - Intermediate
Big Data
Graph Databases
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Analytics and Data Warehousing with NoSQL Databases |
Tomer Shiran, Dremio
Technical - Intermediate
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Document Databases
Query and Search
How Machine Learning will Finally Make Databases Ready for Big Data |
Thomas Hazel, Deep Information Sciences
Big Data
Data Science
Getting Started with Neo4j (Hands-on Training Session) |
Nicole White, Neo Technology
Ryan Boyd, Neo Technology
Technical - Intermediate
Graph Databases
Neo4j GraphDay
A Systematic Approach to Qualify NoSQL Use Cases for the Enterprise |
Donovan Hsieh, eBay Inc.
Enterprise NoSQL
NoSQL Technology Evaluation
Graph Analysis and Visualization for Anti-Money Laundering |
Walker P Conolly, PwC
Evan Clark, PwC
Case Study
Graph Databases
MetaQL: Queries Across NoSQL, SQL, Sparql, and Spark |
Marc C. Hadfield, Vital AI
Technical - Intermediate
Enterprise NoSQL
Polyglot Data Environments
Query and Search
Building Offline-Enabled Apps with PouchDB |
Bradley Holt, IBM Cloudant
Technical - Intermediate
Cloud Computing
Document Databases
Keep Me in the Loop: Inotify in HDFS |
Colin P McCabe, Cloudera
Technical - Intermediate
Interactive Exploratory Analytics with Druid |
Fangjin Yang, Stealth Startup
Technical - Intermediate
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Rule Engines, Cassandra, ElasticSearch and the Complex Join |
Igor Okulist, Netflix
Technical - Advanced
NoSQL Scale and Performance
Polyglot Data Environments
Query and Search
Modeling Ontology-Driven Healthcare Data over NoSQL Solutions |
Mahesh Chaudhari, Zephyr Health
Technical - Introductory
Graph Databases
NoSQL Architecture and Design
On the path to Nirvana: Supporting OLTP and OLAP on Hadoop |
Monte Zweben, Splice Machine
Technical - Intermediate
SQL Integration with NoSQL
Conquering Systems of Engagement |
Bryan Reinero, MongoDB
Technical - Intermediate
Big Data
Document Databases
Apache AsterixDB: A Scalable, Open SourceBDMS |
Yingyi Bu, University of California, Irvine
Technical - Intermediate
Big Data
Unifying Big Data Batch and Real-Time Streaming with Apache Flink |
Vladimir Bacvanski, SciSpike
Technical - Intermediate
Big Data
NoSQL Transactions on an ACID Trip |
Randal Hoff, FairCom
SQL Integration with NoSQL
Rethink Real-time. Bypass Batch. Question your Questions. |
Anne Hunt, Synthos Technologies
Product/Service Offering
In-Memory Databases
NoSQL Databases: To Document or Not to Document, That is the Question |
Dave Rubin, Oracle
Technical - Intermediate
NoSQL Development
Enterprise Ready Big Data – Closing Gaps in Data Architecture |
Sameer Joshi, Datanova Scientific
Product/Service Offering
Enterprise NoSQL
Forget About Hardware If You Need Instant Scalability |
Peteris Janovskis, Clusterpoint
Product/Service Offering
Cloud Computing
A NoSQL Fairytale |
Rachel Pedreschi, DataStax
The Object-Oriented Approach to Advanced Information Fusion |
Alyssa Jarrett, Objectivity
Product/Service Offering
Big Data
Enterprise NoSQL
Welcome Reception and Exhibits |
Neo4j GraphDay
The Internet Enterprise: How to Scale Out for High Performance Customer Engagement |
Billy Bosworth, DataStax
Industry Trends
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
How Cognitive Computing will Drive the Future of Analytics |
Subutai Ahmad, Numenta, Inc.
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
The Algebra of Data |
Robin Bloor, The Bloor Group
Technical - Introductory
Industry Trends
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Top Reasons to Use In-memory NoSQL to Super-charge your Web Application (Case Study by Stance) |
Andrew Spencer, Stance
Yiftach Shoolman, Redislabs
Case Study
In-Memory Databases
NoSQL Scale and Performance
Dan Sullivan, DS Applied Technologies LLC
NoSQL Architecture and Design
NoSQL Scale and Performance
The Wikidata Query Service - A Knowledge Graph Application Powered by Blazegraph |
Peter Haase, Metaphacts, GmbH
Bryan Thompson, SYSTAP, LLC
Stanislav Malyshev, Wikimedia Foundation
Technical - Intermediate
Graph Databases
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
The Future of DB: Single Polymorphic Databases for Structured and Unstructured Data |
Norman T Kutemperor, Scientel Corp
Technical - Introductory
Big Data
NoSQL Scale and Performance
SQL Integration with NoSQL
Code-First Development: the Paths to Indexing Nirvana |
Ryan CrawCour, Microsoft
David Makogon, Microsoft
Technical - Introductory
Cloud Computing
Document Databases
Reasoning Over Big Data Stores |
Eric Little, OSTHUS Inc.
Technical - Introductory
Big Data
Graph Databases
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Mobile Data with Couchbase Lite & Big Data HPCC Systems |
Fujio Turner,
Technical - Intermediate
Big Data
NoSQL Scale and Performance
Oracle NoSQL Database for Developers |
Rick George, Oracle
Technical - Intermediate
NoSQL Development
Delivering a Kickass Search Experience for Web, Mobile and IoT Applications |
Eyal Gutkind, DataStax
Product/Service Offering
NoSQL Scale and Performance
Query and Search
No+SQL: Using NoSQL To Drive Performance While Having SQL For Integration |
Randal Hoff, FairCom
Technical - Intermediate
SQL Integration with NoSQL
Modern Data Architecture in Minutes - Deploy and Integrate Hadoop, Spark, MongoDB, and ElasticSearch with ObjectRocket by Rackspace |
Nirmal Ranganathan, Rackspace
Technical - Introductory
Cloud Computing
Polyglot Data Environments
Unified Multi-model Storage |
Dave Duggal, EnterpriseWeb
Technical - Intermediate
NoSQL Architecture and Design
Information Fusion in Action: Fast Data Meets Big Data |
Ibrahim Sallam, Objectivity
Jin Kim, Objectivity
Big Data
Enterprise NoSQL
Designing Hybrid Data Solutions with NoSQL and RDF |
Kurt Cagle, Semantical, LLC
Query and Search
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Scaling Hadoop Linearly with Confidence |
Chuck Yarbrough, Pentaho
Steve Szabo, Pentaho
Technical - Introductory
NoSQL Scale and Performance
Using Graphs for Next-Gen Master Data Management at Pitney Bowes |
Aaron Wallace, Pitney Bowes
Technical - Intermediate
Enterprise NoSQL
Graph Databases
Spark and SPARQL for the Intelligent Data Lake |
Jans Aasman, Franz Inc
Technical - Intermediate
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Addressing the Requirements of Polyglot Persistence |
Andrew Mendelsohn, Oracle
Industry Trends
PostgreSQL at the Center of Everyone's Data World |
Bruce Momjian, EnterpriseDB
Industry Trends
SQL-On-Hadoop: Pros and Cons |
Tassos Sarbanes, Credit Suisse
Case Study
Query and Search
SQL Integration with NoSQL
Discovering the Power of Dark Data |
Emil Eifrem, Neo Technology
Big Data
Graph Databases
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
A Tale of Two Projects, Using: MongoDB and Cassandra |
Kumar Vora, Thoughtworks, Inc.
Technical - Intermediate
Document Databases
NoSQL Technology Evaluation
The Gremlin Graph Traversal Language |
Marko A Rodriguez, DataStax
Technical - Intermediate
Graph Databases
Query and Search
Proven Steps to Realize Value from Data |
Shari Wakiyama, Inmar
Jeff Clouse, Inmar
Big Data
Data Science
Better Together - Triples, Documents, and Data in Combination |
Stephen Buxton, MarkLogic
Enterprise NoSQL
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Building a Computer Vision PaaS Leveraging Open Source NoSQL Tools |
Nate DAmico, Optinera Inc.
Technical - Introductory
NoSQL Architecture and Design
Polyglot Data Environments
NoSQL Database: Running On-premises vs. Cloud |
Zigmars Rasscevskis, Clusterpoint
Technical - Intermediate
Cloud Computing
Document Databases
Object Modeling: The Good, the Bad, and the Future |
Brian Clark, Objectivity
Technical - Intermediate
NoSQL Architecture and Design
Field Work: Map-centric Mobile Apps with Cloudant Geo and LeafletJS |
Raj R Singh, IBM Cloud Data Services
Case Study
Technical - Intermediate
Document Databases
In-Memory Computing with Hazelcast |
Talip Ozturk, Hazelcast
Kevin Hanson, Hazelcast
Technical - Intermediate
In-Memory Databases
Achieving a 200% Increase in Time Onsite with the Blazegraph High Availability Graph Database |
Bryan Thompson, SYSTAP, LLC
Product/Service Offering
Graph Databases
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Ontotext GraphDB™ Connectors: Powering Complex, Faceted Search Queries |
Marin Dimitrov, Ontotext
Technical - Advanced
Graph Databases
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
Everything is Awesome: DevOps in a Polyglot World |
Joseph S Dantoni, Denny Cherry and Associates
Karen Lopez, InfoAdvisors
Technical - Intermediate
Enterprise NoSQL
Industry Trends
Developing a Holistic Security Strategy for MongoDB |
Kathryn Zeidenstein, IBM
Bryan Reinero, MongoDB
Document Databases
Monitoring Time... |
Gerald Black, Inmar, Inc.
Technical - Intermediate
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
NoSQL Architecture and Design
PayPal Central Data Backbone: Couchbase and Kafka |
Justin Michaels, Couchbase
Shibi Sudhakaran, PayPal
Case Study
NoSQL Scale and Performance
Techniques to Speed Up Document Database Analysis & Automate Documentation |
Dan Myers, DQMatters
Technical - Introductory
Document Databases
Making Spark Work for Next Generation Information Fusion Workflows |
Nick Quinn, Objectivity, Inc.
Technical - Intermediate
Graph Databases
AM1: Developing an Effective Data Strategy |
Edd Dumbill, Silicon Valley Data Science
Scott Kurth, Silicon Valley Data Science
Big Data
Enterprise NoSQL
AM2: Evaluating NoSQL and SQL Databases - Part 1 |
Mike Bowers, LDS Church
Technical - Introductory
Enterprise NoSQL
NoSQL Technology Evaluation
SQL Integration with NoSQL
AM3: Data Modeling in the NOSQL World |
Theodore S Hills, LexisNexis
Technical - Intermediate
AM4: Apache Spark Workshop |
Sujee Maniyam, Elephant Scale
Technical - Introductory
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Big Data
AM5: Designing and Implementing a Modern Data Warehouse Using NoSQL technologies |
Josh Fennessy, BlueGranite
Technical - Intermediate
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Enterprise NoSQL
AM6: A Developer’s Guide to Visualizing Graph Data |
Corey L Lanum, Cambridge Intelligence
Technical - Intermediate
Graph Databases
Shared Session - NoSQL Now and Smart Data
PM1: Architecting a Data Platform |
John Akred, Silicon Valley Data Science
Gary Dusbabek, Silicon Valley Data Science
Stephen O'Sullivan, Silicon Valley Data Science
Technical - Intermediate
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Big Data
PM2: Evaluating NoSQL and SQL Databases - Part 2 |
Mike Bowers, LDS Church
Technical - Introductory
Enterprise NoSQL
NoSQL Technology Evaluation
PM3: Apache Drill Bootcamp |
Tomer Shiran, Dremio
Jacques Nadeau, Apache Software Foundation
Technical - Intermediate
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Query and Search
SQL Integration with NoSQL
PM4: Can Your Leave Your JOINs Behind?: Graph & Relational Databases |
Joseph S Dantoni, Denny Cherry and Associates
Karen Lopez, InfoAdvisors
Technical - Intermediate
Graph Databases
Polyglot Data Environments
PM5: Visual Analytics for Big Data in Python |
Charlie Vollmer, ML Engineering
Technical - Intermediate
Big Data
Data Science