SQL Gene in NoSQL: How the New SQL Extensions are Making Flexible Data Models Query-able
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  Cihan Biyikoglu   Cihan Biyikoglu
Director - Product Management


Tuesday, August 18, 2015
01:00 PM - 01:45 PM

Level:  Technical - Advanced

SQL language has been around longer than 4 decades but unlike other aging languages, it continues to be a great way to query data. NoSQL databases provide variety of ways to query data. In this talk, we will explore various implementation for querying data interactively in real-time with NoSQL and look at how SQL based languages are providing the best options for bridging the gap with existing RDBMSs and new Bigdata databases.

Cihan Biyikoglu is the Director of Product Management at Couchbase. Before joining Couchbase, Cihan worked on a number of products including Twitter, Azure and SQL Server platforms at Microsoft and HealthVault health data platform under Microsoft Research. Previously, Cihan Biyikoglu also worked on database technologies such as Illustra and Informix Dynamic Server at Informix. He has a master's degree in Database Systems from University of Westminster in the UK and a Computer Engineering degree from Yildiz Technical University in Turkey.

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